Taking GNH to the Young Bhutanese

September 10, 2018

10 September 2018, Thimphu: To further the noble vision of GNH, the Gross National Happiness Centre Bhutan (GNHCB) completed a month-long GNH Advocacy and Outreach Programme in various schools, colleges and technical institutions of the nation. The main purpose was to inspire Bhutanese youth to understand the concept of GNH and how it offers a solution towards contemporary issues in today’s world.

Commenting on the advocacy programme, Mr. Tshering Wangdi, President of Sherubtse College said: “This advocacy is very important, especially now that this philosophy has been accepted throughout the world and increasing number of people are trying to embrace GNH. Our youth need to understand the alternative path of development for nation building. It becomes important and pertinent for all of us to make our young people understand what GNH is and what it means to a small nation like Bhutan.”

The GNHCB believes that it is essential to reach out to various educational institutions in the nation to promote GNH and its values as well as the events of GNHCB. As Bhutan and GNH continue to spark international curiosity, all Bhutanese must be responsible to understand GNH and uphold the values that we have inherited from our visionary leaders.

Roseleen Kafley, a student in Gelephu Higher Secondary said, “Before, I knew only about the four pillars and nine domains but after the advocacy I also learnt how I could apply GNH in my school and in my personal life. We also learnt about creating a GNH Club in our school which will help us undertake small GNH projects and create a better learning environment.”  

Listed among the objectives of the advocacy were the introduction to GNH, the 4 pillars and the 9 domains; introduction to basic meditation sessions; the current youth issues in the nation, creation of GNH Clubs/projects in various institutions and enhancing the GNH Centre’s visibility.

The Officiating Executive Director of the GNHCB said, “We believe this is one small step towards realizing our collective dream of seeing Bhutan as a true GNH society and nation. Our young students will become our leaders tomorrow and it is important for them to understand GNH and its relevance in today’s version of the challenging world we live in.”

A team from GNHCB travelled continuously around the country covering 11 Dzongkhags and 20 institutions including colleges, high schools and central schools. Colleges included in the advocacy were Khesar Gyalpo University of Medical Sciences of Bhutan, Thimphu; the Royal Thimphu College; College of Natural Resources, Lobesa; College of Language and Culture Studies, Trongsa; Sherubtse College, Tashigang; Samtse College of Education and the College of Science and Technology, Phuntsholing. Various other Higher Secondary Schools and Central Schools in Wangdue, Trongsa, Bumthang, Mongar, Tashigang, Samdrup Jongkhar, Gelephu, Samtse and Chukha were also on the list for the advocacy.

 The GNHCB also conducts other events and programmes focused at making youths better prepared for the future and making them shift their vision in line with the values of GNH. Intended to groom, guide and make the young Bhutanese realize their potential as future leaders, a workshop called GNH Youth Leadership Programme was recently concluded during the summer holidays. During the event, students from various colleges presented their own prototypes on how they see GNH being implemented in the grass root level. The GNHCB hopes to conduct various similar programmes in times to come.


Media Contact

Gopi Kharel

Communications Officer

Gross National Happiness Centre Bhutan

Email: gopi.kharel@gnhcentrebhutan.org

T: 02-321263

M: +975 17316266
