
Executive Director

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Mr. Lhatu, prior joining as the Executive Director of GNHCB, served two terms in the Parliament of Bhutan (2008-2013 and 2018-2023). He held government roles for nine years, including Head of Marketing at Bhutan Agro Industries and Head of Customer Services in telecommunications. He spent over seven years with the UNDP in Bhutan as Operations Manager and four years in the private sector as Director of Community and Corporate Relations for Mountain Hazelnuts. Throughout his career, he has led high-performing teams, earning numerous awards for outstanding performance. Passionate about Gross National Happiness, Mr. Lhatu aims to promote sustainable and equitable development both in Bhutan and internationally.

Tsoki Tenzin


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Prior to joining the GNHCB in 2015, Tsoki worked with the UNDP for over a decade under different portfolios including operations and program administration. Tsoki currently serves as the Director, and oversees the Centre's overall management in Bhutan. She believes every Bhutanese has a responsibility in nurturing the values of Gross National Happiness.

Anisha Ghalley

Programme Officer

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She truly believes that people today have unique insights and perspectives on GNH, reflecting their values, priorities, and aspirations for the future. She supports the facilitation and implementation of GNHCB national and international programmes, projects and events. Through her work, she aims to promote well-being and sustainable development, ensuring that the principles of GNH are integrated into every aspect of the Centre's work.

Pema Namgyel

Adm Officer

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Pema joined the Centre in 2013, and currently works as the Field Officer attached to the Dewaling GNH Centre located in Bumthang.

Kunzang Tobgay

Field Officer

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Kunzang Tobgay joined the Centre in 2022 as the Field Officer for the Dewaling GNH Centre located in Bumthang. Pior to joining the Centre, He worked as the site inspector for the construction of Dhangsar Resort in Phobjikha, Wangdiphodrang for 3 years.