Impact Safari: Fostering Leadership for the New Economy (27th April- 6th May,2023)

7 May 2023: The GNH Centre Bhutan started its first international program since the pandemic. The event is a long-term collaboration with the Small Giants Academy based in Australia. The joint effort focuses on fostering leadership with empathy and what is needed now on the global front by taking inspiration from Bhutan.

A total of 24 participants signed up for the program held from 27 April to 6 May 2023. The theme of the event Programs and Storytelling – inspires and equips people to become leaders in what is referred to as the new economy - new, high-growth industries that are on the cutting edge of technology and are believed to be the driving force of economic growth and productivity. The program is designed to engage deeply with leaders from business, investing, community, education, arts, science, civil service, politics, and systems design in recognition of our collective responsibility toward positive and meaningful change. It is centered around a strong belief in both inner transformation and systemic change to foster empathy and purpose as the new economy continues to take over.

The ten-day workshop saw various interactions with Bhutan’s parliamentarians, CSO representatives, entrepreneurs, and community leaders. In addition, the group was introduced to Bhutanese community practices that connect people to nature and spirituality - which is fast fading in the world outside Bhutan.

The Small Giants Academy is a not-for-profit education initiative that is based in Australia and runs one component of the program here in Bhutan with the GNH Centre.