About Us

The GNH Centre Bhutan (GNHCB) is a non-profit civil society organization under the Patronage of Her Royal Highness Ashi Kesang Chodren Wangchuck. It was registered under the Civil Society Organization Authority of Bhutan on 18 October 2012. The GNHCB was established as a tribute to take forward the vision and philosophy of Gross National Happiness (GNH) as introduced by His Majesty the Fourth King Jigme Singye Wangchuck in the early 1970s. The GNHCB promotes the concept of GNH values nationally and internationally by facilitating transformational learning to achieve sustainable societal change. The GNHCB is passionate about creating a better world with true happiness and sees itself as a cultivator of compassionate GNH values. Under the people-centric values of GNH, we work towards offering sustainable solutions for people and planet.


To create a unique place of reflection, learning and action where nature, culture and spirituality blend in a harmonious way towards happiness and compassion for the world.


Empowering people through compassion and wisdom towards a mindful and happy society.