December 5, 2017

With the theme "Promoting Community Vitality", The GNH Experience (Annual Fair) was held from 11-12 November 2017.

Her Royal Highness Gyalsem Kezang Choden Wangchuck, President, GNHCB, graced the opening as the Chief Guest. The event resulted in positive media coverage. Members of Parliament, officials from the Civil Society Organizations, International Agencies, Government, Corporations  and local public attended the event. The two day event encouraged the visitors to participate in the activities and learn about GNH values.

The GNH Experience is an annual event to commemorate the birth anniversary of the Father of GNH, His Majesty Drugyal Zhipa Jigme Singye Wangchuck and the National Happiness Day. It is led by the Gross National Happiness Centre Bhutan (GNH Centre Bhutan) to promote GNH values, and to connect the Bhutanese people to GNH as envisioned by His Majesty Jigme Singye wangchuck.